Saturday, May 29, 2010

Top Film Stars (1949)

Top Actors

1. Rd. Mochtar
After a long hiatus, Mochtar plays his second inning with the superhit Bengawan Solo.

2. Rd. Soekarno
Soekarno becomes a top star, only second to Mochtar. He has a hit in Tjitra.

3. Moh. Mochtar
He shines in Bengawan Solo.

4. Rd. Ismail
Tjitra becomes Ismail's second hit of his career.

5. A. Hamid Arief
Arief follows Ismail for the success of Tjitra.

Top Actresses

1. Sofia Waldy
She has a reason to stays on top. Bengawan Solo was a mega hit.

2. Nila Djoewita
This year she has a good success in Tjitra.

3. Djoewarijah
Harta Karun was an average success for her.

4. Ratna Asmara

5. Netty Herawati
She comes with an above average success of Sapu Tangan.

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